Aims & Objectives

Montfortian Education Aims & Objectives

Education has a very wide connotation. The Montfort Brother's organizations, therefore, not only cater to the educational needs of children and youth in normal academic schools but also impart technical education, to the deaf and the blind, the differently abled and engage in village upliftment and social work among the downtrodden and the marginalized.

Montfortain education seeks to work for the total development of young.They are helped to discover their God given talents and work towards their fullest development, in order to place them at the service of the seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training them to analyse reality, from critical judgements, search for solutions and work out a synthesis.

It is concerned with forming a moral conscience that is capable of discerning and choosing what is good.

It pays attention to the development of the capacity to engage in relationship marked by sincerity and self-determination and training to understand the complex political reality and to enter it in a construvctive way.

It imparts an appreciation of the indian heritage and enables the students to imbibe its culture and ethos for building a harmonious society, irrespective of different of faith, language, caste and class and at the same time to remaim open to the positive elements of other cultures.

It instills in the pupils values of love, freedom, forgiveness, honesty and justice.

It takes full cognizance of the fact that education by its very nature requires a community style and environment and cannot allow itself to be isolated from the social context.

'Total Education' which implies a holistic approach to education and which is concerned with the total development of an individual as a person, is the quintessence of montfortian education. it aims at developing the body, mind and spirit to the greatest extent.

Admission and withdrawals

Normally admissions are done only in L.K.G. The child should be 3+ years of age at the time of admission. Registrations for admission are done during the month of January, the time of which will be notified on the school notice boards. Original birth certificates should be submitted at the time of registration.

Students for admission should be accompained by the parents whole alone can sign the prescribed admission form and pledge to abide by the school rules.

To withdraw a child from the school, the parents should, make a written application to the Principal. Transfer Certificate will be issued only when all payments due to the school are cleared.if a student is withdrawn in the middle of a term, the parent will have to pay all the fees for the whole term.